Let’s face it; it’s never pleasant to be sweating inside your own home during a sweltering summer, especially when there’s plenty you can do about it. Maintaining a comfortable temperature indoor and maintaining high indoor air quality go hand in hand, and often the solution starts with a good HVAC system.

While your home probably has an HVAC, the question of whether or not you’re performing regular maintenance makes a big difference about how your air conditioning will function. Still, even without technological solutions, you can make a lot of changes around the house to help manage the summer months. Read on to learn a little more common causes of high indoor temperatures and how to fix them.

Drafts, Cracks, and Crevices


While the most obvious and least controllable culprit of high temperatures is the weather, you might be surprised to know that there are other causes of heat and humidity within the home as well. First, several structural issues could be causing the problem and keeping your home uncomfortably warm, even when you have the air conditioner on. Cracks and crevices, especially those that produce drafts, can be a major problem. If your home isn’t draft-proofed, you can lose a sizable portion of the air conditioning you’re paying for by allowing the cool air to escape outside and allowing warm air to sneak in.

If you forget to take care of home improvement like this, there are plenty of easy ways to keep up with home maintenance. Make yourself a calendar, digitally or a physical one, and pick a day to remind yourself to inspect your home twice yearly, before summer and winter, if you live somewhere with significant weather fluctuation. With how far in advance cellphones can set alerts, there’s no reason you can’t give your future self some peace of mind and set a reminder.

Lack of HVAC Maintenance


A hot, humid house that you can’t cool is going to cause major issues with your indoor comfort, and one of your best weapons for fighting the heat is your HVAC system. However, what do you do when you find the temperature is still unmanageable despite having an air conditioner? Your system may not be operating at peak efficiency. Experts recommend having an HVAC system inspected at least once yearly and replacing the system entirely every ten years or so. If you’re anticipating a particularly intense heatwave, it never hurts to have a technician take a look at your air conditioning unit to ensure that it’s functioning properly.

Interior Design


Your d√©cor can also affect the temperature in your home, especially the way you accent your doors and windows. If you have a room with a lot of direct sunlight, it can raise the temperature by several degrees. The glass itself is a strong conductor of heat. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it also puts a heavier load on your HVAC system, thus inflating your energy bills. One simple way to save money is to invest in blackout curtains. You don’t have to have them shut all the time, but on hot summer days, blocking out some of the most direct sunlight can make a significant difference in your indoor comfort. Not only that, it’ll help limit your energy consumption and limit your costs.

It isn’t just uncomfortable to deal with extreme heat; it can be dangerous too, which is why it’s doubly important that you ensure your home is a cool and healthy temperature at all times. A well-maintained and modern air conditioning system, smart interior design, and some regular home maintenance are great ways to jump-start summer preparation. While it’s easy to be complacent and assume your air conditioner will do the job, you could be wasting hundreds a month on excessive energy costs. If your HVAC hasn’t been inspected, it’s likely not operating with maximum energy efficiency. Keep your equipment and your home in tip-top shape, and you’ll be guaranteed to stay cool this summer.